The role of maintenance within a business sustainability strategy is often overlooked. Yet, a planned maintenance strategy can actively help to reduce the environmental impact of a business. Plus, it can help deliver optimal operational efficiencies, saving significant time, resources and budget for on-site teams. Here’s a detailed look at what sustainable savings can be made through entrance control maintenance.

Reducing Wear for Longer Life

Entrance control solutions often operate in challenging environments. Even an outwardly clean office lobby can accumulate significant levels of dirt and dust. This can impact the operational efficiency of a turnstile or gate if it penetrates internal components. It is this build-up of detritus that can begin a cycle of excessive wear on moving parts.

Regular inspection and cleaning schedule helps to prevent this issue impacting on operational efficiency. It halts the growth of dust, dirt, and debris that can cause excessive wear and premature failure. Maintaining these components ensures they operate without interference, mitigating friction and heat build-up.

The end result of regular inspections and cleaning is a reduction in parts needing to be replaced. This can result in a reduction by up to a fifth* of raw materials consumed, while greenhouse gas emissions created during production drop by up to 30%*.

Optimise Energy Efficiency

Professionally maintained entrance control solutions are more energy efficient.

Scheduled maintenance helps avoid the gradual build-up of minor issues that collectively increase energy usage. Energy efficient machinery will optimise energy consumption. This reduces the chance of increased emissions from electricity or gas usage. It also improves the productivity of your gate, in turn fostering better building or space management.

Staff Awareness

Staff play a vital role in maintaining the efficiency and reliability of entrance control solutions.

Educating them about the importance of efficient gate and turnstile operation fosters a culture of sustainability.

Encouraging staff to visually check equipment, remove rubbish, and monitor for unusual signs or noises can lead to more preventative maintenance practices.

By involving staff in understanding the importance of sustainability and its relationship to optimum efficiency, saving their time and resources, the impact of a more proactive approach to maintenance becomes clear.

Delivering Sustainable savings through Entrance Control Maintenance

In summary, from reducing wear and extending component life to enhancing energy efficiency and involving staff, a comprehensive maintenance plan can help you accelerate your operational sustainability goals while saving time and expense.

At Gunnebo Entrance Control, we are reviewing and improving our maintenance strategies in order to continuously support your efficiency and sustainability eco-conscious efforts through effective maintenance strategies.  Discover more about our work to keep your entrance control solutions in perfect working order. Or contact us to discuss how we help to ensure you deliver a seamless user experience while keeping people and property safe and secure.

* The Business Concept, 2024