At Gunnebo Entrance Control, we are committed to taking action to be a leading ethical business, to empower our people, and aim to reach net zero emissions by 2045. As we continue along our pathway, we want to keep you up to date with our progress, tell you about our milestones and show how we are going to complete on our goals.   

Sustainability is a complex and wide-ranging topic, so keeping you informed means that we’ll sometimes use terms that may not be easy to understand, or which can vary from one company to the next. With that in mind, we’ve created our Sustainability A-Z, which defines all of the terms we use when discussing our sustainability related actions. From business ethics to people and climate action; you can find a comprehensive glossary that makes it simple to know just what we mean.   

Wherever possible, we use international definitions such as those in the GRI Standards, Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ICC Framework for Responsible Environmental Marketing Communications. By using industry accepted terms, it is easier to compare our actions to others (if they do the same) and you know that when we’re talking about our impact – we use the GRI Standards for that one – we do so on a level playing field. We’ve listed all of these in the A-Z, so you don’t have to visit countless websites to hunt for their meaning.  

Whenever we have to use a term for which there’s not a widely accepted definition, you’ll also be able to find it in the Sustainability A-Z. We commit to only using these terms as described, so wherever you see them – on our website, in reports, on social media, brochures or blog post just like this – you know they mean the same thing and that our sustainability communications are clear and above all, transparent.