
Advanced entrance control delivering safety and security to fans, staff and facilities

Today’s stadium is a multi-purpose venue providing excitement, hospitality, wellness and business services – all in one location. Dealing with such a wide range of types of visitors – and huge volumes – presents a major challenge to security and safety policies in place. Providing a warm welcome to visitors must be balanced with dealing with unauthorised access attempts, and all done without causing significant disruption.

Discover the future of managing the flow of fans into your venue. Gunnebo Entrance Control bring you solutions that reach beyond today’s demands for both fans and security staff, creating secure environments without compromising freedom of movement.

Delivering seamless flow, safely and securely

You’ll find Gunnebo Entrance Control solutions providing safe, seamless passage to fans in major venues around the world. Our purpose-built gates providing a secure environment while allowing freedom of movement and meeting the unique requirements of your venue.


Smoother process management

Improved cost efficiency

Reduced staffing requirements

Happy customers and staff

More customer time in shops, bars and lounges

Remote control from anywhere

Safe crowd management and seamless VIP access

Revolving doors

Revolving doors can provide access to selected areas when the stadium is closed.

Speed gates

Speed gates provide fast, efficient access into VIP and hospitality areas.

Full height turnstiles

Full height turnstiles enable fast ticket checking and safe entry for large crowds.

Retail gates

Retail gates provide anti-theft security at the entrance to stadium shops.

Tripod turnstiles

Tripod turnstiles enable ticket checking and entry in to high traffic areas.

After 20 years of operation, the decision was made to elevate the venues entrances at Perth Motorplex through the use of TurnStiles integrated with a third party ticketing system.

Gunnebo’s solution has become a quick, easy and efficient process.


Perth Motorplex

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