After months of work including developing an internal framework for sustainability communications and the creation of our first Green Claims Policy, we’re now a Certified Signatory of The Anti-Greenwash Charter. But what is The Anti-Greenwash Charter and what does it mean for you?

The Charter is a group of companies that are championing fair, honest, transparent and accountable communications when it comes to talking about sustainability. Currently, the Charter includes companies such as Morgan Sindell Construction, Thorne Wyness Architects, Progress in Practice, Etude and more. We are the first company in our field to have become a Certified Signatory and so we’re taking a leading stance in making sure we do not greenwash.

With greenwash considered a significant issue by almost 90% of industry professionals, it’s important that we take every measure to eradicate it so that you can make decisions in an informed and balanced setting. By being a Certified Signatory of the Charter, you know that our sustainability claims are accurate and verifiable. Hopefully, it allows you to trust everything you read about our actions towards a more sustainable future. The Charter applies to all our communications. Whether you read about an action on email, our website, social media or in the press, you know that it has passed our internal review process and is compliant with our Green Claims Policy. Adopting a transparent and authentic approach to our marketing and communications in words, images and videos, we are giving you reason to trust what you see.

“With greenwash considered a significant issue by almost 90% of industry professionals, it’s important that we take every measure to eradicate it”

Our publicly available Green Claims Policy includes a list of definitions, which can also be found in our Sustainability A-Z, as well as documenting our internal review procedure and process for complaints about anything you might have read or seen that comes from us. It also gives you information on the values and standards we apply, how we verify our claims and where we could do better. So far, the policy only applies to what you read from Gunnebo Entrance Control.

As a Certified Signatory of The Anti-Greenwash Charter, we’re subject to periodic review of our sustainability communication campaigns and the Charter will publish a report for us to share.

You can discover more about The Anti-Greenwash Charter on its website and why not consider your company as Certified Signatory? By acting together we can elicit change for the better.